Hello dear friends, just wanted to say that even though I have not been blogging much, you have all been very much in my thoughts.
So sad what is going on all around the world and really hope that they can get this under control and eradicate it.
Here we have completed week 1 of the lockdown and must say how strange it has all been.
The Island is very quiet and often all you can hear is the bus driving by, with not a soul on it, most of the time. A lot of people are out walking to get some exercise and we have been lucky as the weather has been sunny and bright.
Wearing disposable gloves, and having to queue to get into the supermarket, and having the 2 metre gap between the next person. We are slowly trying to get used to the new normal, in these unsettling times.
Staying at home is making me think so much about the house, and making it cosy now that Autumn is here and days will soon get cooler. We have been working on our daughters bedroom and a good time to be doing that. My husband is able to work from home, which he is actually enjoying not having to commute over on the ferry.

Even our pets are not enjoying this time and feel unsettled. We walk Bluebell around the block as sadly the beach where she normally goes to play with her puppy friends, is out of bounds.
Lucky enough to catch the sun rise on our early morning walk a few weeks back, so miss this.
Daylight saving started this weekend, so that takes a little adjusting to.
Today was bath day for her and we even managed to give her a trim, as she was starting to look a little on the unkempt side.
At the end of the day when this is all over, we will have a greater appreciation for all we have.
Do take care, stay safe and well