Sunday, January 5, 2014

Floral Friday

Thank you, to Trishie from the lovely blog, under lock and key for asking me to contribute to her new blog series,  Floral Friday.

It  is all about fun and taking the time to smell the flowers.
This months theme is ' a new bloom'

Here is my contribution

This is the photo of the blossom on the  French variety of apple tree my Father gave us, not long before he passed away.

We found a place in the garden to plant the tree and we were so happy when it produced its first small crop of apples ... four, juicy, crunchy apples that I must say were delicious.

It is a poignant reminder to me of my father who had a long life and was an avid gardener.  

Despite some of the driest summers in many years the tree continues to thrive and flourish and punches above its weight producing 4 - 5 apples on a tree that is less than a metre in height. 

It reminds me of him and his gardening skills and his tenacity in dealing with what life sometimes throws at us all. 

A little inspiration in my own garden and something tangible by which to remember my dad.

Best wishes to you all  Carolyn.

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Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
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Carolyn xx