Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saying goodbye to summer

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language ~ Henry James.

Laze awhile on the sand and enjoy the beach, where the blue of the sea and the sky meet.

I always find it hard to say goodbye to summer!
You can definitely feel a nip in the air and Autumn is on its way. The crowds at the beach are thinning out and only the brave come down for a swim.
I am going to miss the sun, sand and sea, cherries and strawberries until next summer.

One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I am so happy to have finished Jury Service, was able to take the 10.15 pm ferry home last night, feeling very tired.
So today back to catching up with all the work that now needs doing here.
Thank you to new visitors, and I look forward to catching up with all that you are doing.

Have a beautiful week, my dear friends.



  1. Hello Carolyn,

    Summer afternoons are really the best. I was told to stay under the sun as much as I can while still in Asia, or I might regret it when I move to Europe to join my husband.

    Hope everything's going well.


  2. Hi Carolyn! were saying hello to spring and summer...Spring is ok but I much rather have autumn and winter...have a nice day and don't work to hard. Hugs, Jennifer :o)

  3. And here we are half a world away awaiting summer. I like the in-betweens: spring and fall.

  4. Precious one, it is so hard to believe that you are ending your summer of joy, and we will be entering ours soon! We got more snow here however, but IT HAS TO STOP SOME TIME!! I too long for not only the warmth and sun, but the time off from the classroom! Oh, what a year it has been and one of the most brutal winters on record. LOVELY THOUGHTS TO YOU DEAReST, Anita

  5. My sweet friend,

    Just so so lovely posts!!!<3

    I understand you, my dear friend.
    In this side of the world we are waiting summer...I love this time of the year in Finland, when snow is melting..when all green is front of us.
    But I love autumn, too, when the air is so fresh and everywhere are so much colours:) So, enjoy my friend, a beginning autumn!! It is time for every season.

    I really hope that you slept well!
    Thank you so much for your allways so kind words to me!<3
    Enjoy your days there in your so beautiful country!!
    Take care, don`t worry and big hugs!!<3

  6. Enjoy the arrival of Fall, my friend. I like the changing of the leaves! For now I love to welcome Summer.
    Have a glorious day xxxxx

  7. Love you my darling friend
    I love all you share
    I am glad you are done Jury duty
    Love you

  8. Here in South Africa, we are also saying goodbye to the summer afternoons. The trees aren't quite as green anymore and there is definitely a different "feel" in the air. It has been very hot here this summer and I, for one, am looking forward to cooler weather.

    Enjoy your week!

    Pat xx

  9. I'm sure you heaved a sigh of relief to have jury duty over. How often do you get called up?

    Now that I live in Florida (and yes, we do have seasons too, but the changes are not as dramatic) I look back and think about which northern season I miss the most...and always come up with fall. I have no idea why. Each season has its charm, I guess, Carolyn.

  10. I shall miss cherries and summer evenings walking on sand.
    Take care Carolyn. xx

  11. and here is spring coming! Finally:)

  12. TESORO...

    Sai che tra poco è estate?

    Il caldo in Italia è torrido.

    Sei mai stata in Italia?

    Mhhhh...come vorrei conoscerti ed abbracciarti!

    Un bacio TESORO...di cuore!

    Kisses and hugs. NI

  13. Oh, WOW, that was late to keep you guys there, you must have been close to a verdict.

    Well, the calendar here may say it's Spring but not the weather, winter storms AGAIN and unfortunately it has to happen during Lulu's visit to California so we haven't been able to do the things I had planned :(


  14. Carolyn,
    Blessings to you!
    Glad Jury Duty finished up for you. I hope I don't have to do this for along time. It's interesting to experience, but can be draining. I had to pay such close attention when I did it long ago.

    Pleased that our pleasant weather Spring is here. May you soak up all the Summer you can before your weather starts to cool off.

    thinking of you today,

  15. I love the first chills of Autumn after a hot summer, but right now during an English spring I can't wait for summer!

  16. Hi Carolyn,

    I'm glad your jury service is over!

    I'm sorry your summer is over. It really is the quickest season. Your beach looks beautiful! I'm looking forward to a nice summer afternoon here. I think the end of this week we are expecting a few snow showers so it's still a long way coming.

    Have a fantastic week!
    Hugs ~ Jenn :)

  17. I feel the same exact way when fall comes around. Hope your summer memories last well into the fall and even into the winter!

    Oh and you could always come visit us here for a taste of spring & summer :) xoxo

  18. Your ending summer looks so beautifull, dear Carolyn, as I`m waiting for spring here.
    Our winter going on and on--I hope yours will not be that strong...
    ending you hugs.

  19. Hello Carolyn! It is sad to say goodbay to summer. We are waiting summer here in Finland. We have still lot of snow here but days have been warm and shiny.
    Sunny days to you too!

  20. I love watching how seasons are comming...All them are lovely in different way

  21. Sorry to hear your summer is over (though obviously the good news is that for us it's just beginning). Glad your jury service is finally over. Hope you had a lovely week so far!

  22. Spring is finally arriving here. I do love Spring and Fall. Perfect times of year. Winter too cold, Summer to hot. Spring and Fall perfect in every way.
    Glad your jury service is done. No fun at all.

    xx, shell

  23. Hi Carolyn, I'm sorry for you that the summer is over in your part of the world. Over here, spring finally starts to show with some blooming crocus. Even though we didn't have much snow, the winter was quite long and we are looking forward to some warmer weather.
    Enjoy the fall!
    Hugs to you,

  24. Ooooh, lazy summer afternoons are definitely incredible...
    I for one always loved Autumn, too, no?
    Have a lovely day!

  25. Oh sweet one, thank you for coming over to visit last night! It is always a delight to open my comments first thing in the morning to see such sweet words. May you have a bright and beautiful day....we are still having SNOW!!! AHhhhh! Oh well, SPRING HAS TO COME SOMETIME!!! Much love, Anita

  26. Looking forward to our Summer, should arrive any time...... after August :-)x x x

  27. Oh you had jury duty, I deeply sympathize! I am so looking forward to Summer making an appearance here soon. I hope you have a gorgeous fall/winter until summer comes around again!

  28. Hi Carolyn, So glad you are finished with jury service. I bet you are tired and happy to be home again.
    Love your last of summer pics. As we begin Spring, you are entering the Fall season. I wish you a good Autumn with many blessings.
    Thank you for stopping by and always your kind comments. When you visit your always leave some blessings behind.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    XO Celestina Marie

  29. Dear Carolyn,
    I think I was a little a head of the game with my post re - fall arriving here. I thought March was it but hopefully not until well into April.
    The mornings here are crisp too but I am loving the clear skies that Autumn brings.
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  30. What a pleasure to see your
    beautiful Summer beach captures,
    each season has it's charms...
    Here in North Carolina,trees and
    flowers are showing their colours
    lilltle by it!
    Your kind words and visit are
    greatly appreciated,merci!
    Wish you the sweetest Summer's end...

  31. Did you say a ferry back to your home??? how is this?? do you live in a kind of island or something like that, I´m so curious....
    hugs dear Carolyn

  32. Did you say a ferry back to your home??? how is this?? do you live in a kind of island or something like that, I´m so curious....
    hugs dear Carolyn


Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx