Thursday, November 1, 2018

Welcome November

I just wanted to take a break from what I have been doing today, ...stripping off wallpaper from our daughters old bedroom, so that is keeping me busy. Also have been working outdoors trying to tidy up in the garden which has been neglected and a little overgrown.
Just wanted to share a few photos taken recently.

First, a little Camellia love for today. I have  them blooming in the garden and because it is raining here, went out and picked one. They really do not like the rain or wind and makes the petals go brown.
It was Coco Chanels favourite flower allegedly. They come in an array of colours but the purity of the white camellia is my favourite.

One afternoon we visited a Brocante out from Bordeaux and  bought these pretty antique napkins  - I told my husband that I had to buy them because they had our initals C.L.M Carolyn loves Martin
The beautiful old linen is really lovely and I  always love rummaging around markets, on the look out for something to take home.

Advertising Coco Mademoiselle, the window display at the Chanel Boutique in Britomart was pretty with the pink balloons.
Now I must get back to my work, as I want to get my job finished.
Have a wonderful day


  1. Dearest Carolyn,
    Our master bathroom got professionally stripped from its wall paper last week, all tiles knocked out and today the floor tiles got in, after they'd done the wall tiles. Now the shower floor and the grouting, painting of the walls and we're looking forward to cleaning house! First we have to live with the dust before enjoying any project. Good luck with your daughter's room.
    Your Camellia is perfect and no brown spots, that means you had no rain on the blossoms.
    Hugs and happy weekend to you. I'm still posting about our Rocky Mountaineer experience. This package was so fabulous and so glad we did this. We too went by coach from Banff to Calgary and from there we flew home, via Seattle.

  2. Hello, my deaerst Carolyn,
    already NOvember, time is running so quick and you are always so busy in your house! The napkins you baought, are beautiful!
    Wishing you a great time, take care,
    sending much Love and hugs,
    Claudia xoxoxo

  3. What a beautiful camelia! And how lucky to find those napkins!

  4. Thats my favorite parfume at this moment madamoiselle from Chanel ....💕💕💕....smells so wonderful ...happy weekend love Ria x

  5. Such beautiful camelia! I think too that whites are the bests! :)
    The napkins are very lovely too!
    Good luck with you home works!

  6. Thai is a lovely Camelia.

    Those napkins are great aren't they.

    Have a wonderful November, the year is passing by so quickly.

    All the best Jan

  7. I've always loved Camellias, Carolyn. That's nice that you have them growing in your garden. This one is pretty. I think the cloth napkins were just for you. Love the Pink balloons! Stripping off wallpaper is a lot of work - hang in there, Carolyn.

    Happy November!

    love, ~Sheri

  8. Hello,Carolyn,
    It has been so long sine I visited you the last.
    Such a lovely camellia! I do not think I have seen white camellias in person. You were lucky to find those pretty antique napkins with your initials!

    Have a good week.

  9. I think there is no job I enjoy less than stripping wallpaper!

  10. I just love camelia! It´s not a easy flower...but beautiful :)
    Love from Titti


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It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx