Thursday, July 7, 2011

You're only as old as you feel.

...Or you're only as young as you feel and think.

The concept of how you feel about your age is important and defines how we act.
As small children, we typically always wanted to be older ... we would say we were 9 1/2 years old, never 9.
But after the age of 25 we begin to think of ourselves as younger than we really are.
Over a certain age it is a good thing to have all those check ups and when I got a phone call the other day offering a free hearing check up, I took the offer up and an appointment was made.
Just part of life and getting a little older.
Yesterday was the day I went along to see how my hearing was. Sitting in the little booth, I felt claustrophobic when the door shut and was pleased to be able to hear all the sounds and noises that came through the headset, proving that my hearing was fine.

"One of the virtues of being young is that you don't let the facts get in the way of your imagination"

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love.
When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.
~ Sophia Loren.

I hope that you are having a happy week


  1. Hello Carolyn...
    Oh, such an adorable picture.
    I am so glad your hearing is fine. You are right...we do tend to worry about things a little more as we get older. I just had a few tests and am fine too!

    Wishing you a wonderful week!
    Hugs, Nancy
    PS...Updating in a day or so.

  2. CAROLYN!!!!! YES, OH YES!!!! In fact, when I got my first brochure in the mail from our national senior program, MEDICARE, I thought, OMG...I am at that age now! BUT THERE IS NO WAY I FEEL LIKE IT!!! Looking OUTWARD, looking around every corner of possibility is what keeps me young....and eating correctly!!! There is a dear blogger whose 91 year old mother illustrates the most DARLING drawings and both mother and daughter draw together. That is staying young at heart and mind. The body is just a shell that houses an unbeatable spirit. LET'S FEED OUR SPIRITS THE TONIC OF HOPE FAITH AND MOST OF ALL, LOVE!

    Have a magnificent Thursday dear friend! Anita

  3. Ah, yes, the sands of time! I know my hearing isn't what it used to be and mostly because I sit all day with earphones in for transcribing . . . and then of course my eyes . . working with miniature and close-up work . . . which reminds me, it's time to get my eyes checked!!

    Glad to hear your hearing is fine!!!

    Today I feel about the age of the little girl in the clock I altered. (I'm not sure if you saw that post or not. It's the one before my last one)

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, it'll be here soon!


  4. So true. Glad your hearing is fine. I feel 20 years younger than I am until I have to climb the stairs!

  5. Dear Carolyn
    Thank you for the nice comment on my blog.
    So nice your post! Yes... it is! "We are only as old as we feel".
    The only thing we have to do is to open our eyes and breathe in this fantastic alpine feeling.
    Hugs Yvonne

  6. Nice and right words...
    Enjoy your day Carolyn !
    Regards from France,


  7. I'm glad your hearing is fine. I suffer from hearing loss and it's no fun. Hearing aids are such a pain as they amplify all noise - not just speech.

  8. Hi Carolyn - I agree with the thoughts of Sophia Loren - the power of the mind is greater than we think.
    Pleased to know your hearing is OK.
    Have a lovely week. xx

  9. It was good thoughts about aging. And nice to hear that your hearing was good. Today starts my vacation, 5 long weeks.
    Sunny hug to you

  10. What a nice post !! is almost my birthday....and yes.....hmmm....46 ...that is what it is almost than....hihihi!!

  11. I'm glad that your hearing is good!
    And yes - at this age I'm not sure whether I want to be "eighteen and a half" or just "eighteen" - old habits die hard, I think!
    Have a lovely day!

  12. Dear Carolyn.
    Yes, we are so old as we feel!!!!
    Have a wonderful day,

  13. Hi Carolyn!!!! I love this cute post!!! and I have to agree with your quote title....I always feel like a time has stood still....and I like it that way!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!!

  14. Dear Carolyn,

    Love, love, love your inspiring quote from Sophia! You always choose the best words to inspire us, and wonderful pictures!!
    And if we talk about creativity, your blog is full of youth my dear friend :)


  15. Jajajajajajaja.
    I agree. Sometimes I feel that I am seven year old like my daughter.
    Your post is wonderful.
    Thanks and kisses,

  16. Love you
    how old would you be if you did NOT know your age is my question.
    Love you

  17. wonderfully uplifting post! congrats on hearing well and that quote is awsome!

  18. I personally refuse to grow old. My body may wear out, but my mind will always be 21. :)
    xx, shell

  19. Even though I'm older...I feel great and I'm thankful that I can still do the things I want to do! I stay active and have fun...and feel young! ♥♥

  20. Really true...I would like feel my mind young for ever.

  21. Hi Carolyn,
    This is such a great and true post. Can it be that we are really reaching an age where we have to test all the things we take forgranted? So glad your hearing is fine. Love the sweet pic of the little girl playing dress up.
    Great and true quote from Sophia Loren.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment on my redesign. I guess this is the work that keeps me feeling and thinking young. My Grandma used to say, "hard work keeps you young." I should be only about 10 years old then!! LOL

    Love ya,
    Celestina Marie

  22. Dear Carolyn,

    such nice and true words!
    And lovely pictures!

    Have a lovely weekend my friend!
    Will come back later (through email :O) ....)

    Love and hugs

  23. So true!
    Love this message!


  24. glad to read that your hearing is fine! It's always important to keep youthful in attitude i think!

  25. Hi Carolyn! It's fine your hearing is OK. And the age - only some numbers. I received some times ago a postcard "It's not important how old you are - it's important how you are when you're old" The words were written on our own language and the translation is not so perfect...
    Have a nice weekend!

  26. Dear Carolyn,
    Yes, isn't it strange how fast time flies when you are little? You can't wait for your birthday or Christmas. It seems like an eternity!! You want to be older and have the rights that adults have.

    Then you arrive you become old and what's funny is children don't realize that adults were ever young. These days every time I see a person, I imagine them as a child.

    It's good to be happy to be every age we hit. I agree with what Anita says that we must take good care of ourselves, so we have the greatest chance to feel the very best each and every day of our life.
    How did your hearing test go?

    Thank you for your prayers for Marshall. He is doing well! Still another operation to remove his thyroid in a few weeks.

    Have a great day~

  27. Ok I just read you COULD hear all the noises!!!! Guess I got sidetracked on the photo of the little girl an the quote.


  28. Glad your hearing is fine! Getting even the most standard check-ups can be nerve wracking, but it's always a good thing to do. Love that Sophia Loren quote... how true! Wishing you a wonderful weekend :)

  29. The little girl with the pink heel shoes
    is so is beautiful and fleeting
    Your visits make me smile,
    merci for caring dear Carolyn!

  30. Precious Carolyn,

    What a joy it is to have you come through my home. It truly is fun to share ourselves and it has taken me a while to do so because the house actually is still not done...almost. Exposed beams still need to be put in and the exterior from the French doors needs cement work. HOWEVER, you and all the other dear blogger friends rejoice TOGETHER as we all share our WORK IN PROGRESS...thank you dear heart for your kind words, ALWAYS!

    BISES, Anita

  31. Hi Carolyn !
    That is SO true, your age is just a *number*, and Sophia she adorable,glamorous or what?..she is ageless..hihi
    wish you a lovely weekend dear !

  32. My mother looked in a mirror when she was 92, then looked at me and said: "who is that old woman in the mirror?"
    I smiled, but really didn't understand until now I am older. It's all how you feel inside. (Although keeping fit, taking vitamins and coloring my hair certainly helps! :) )

  33. Hi Carolyn,

    Isn't that so true? My mom at 81 always tells me she doesn't feel that age, and we say the same thing where I work. Of course, we laugh at the youngsters who only know the tv shows from reruns whereas we watched the original series as kids. I guess we must seem old to them at times but we just need to continue to think young!

    Have a great weekend,
    Sharon :-)

  34. Hello hunn ^_^
    I like your blog, really cute and you are pretty <3 Check out my blog and if you like follow me please, cutie <3

  35. what a lovely girld.very cut.

    hughs Conny

  36. Dearest Carolyn,

    Congrats on your hearing! Not all is lost when we age... Let's be positive and move on gracefully!
    Love to you and a big hug.


  37. Facts? What are facts? I only know imagination!


  38. I got soooooo far behind in my blog checking and even in keeping up with my own after my computer had to go away for the week.....

    I finally got the results of my mammo and ultrasound after my doctor found a lump.... only a cyst ....whew...............we will check it again in 6 months with ultrasound..... now for my eye's always something isn't it?


Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx