Sunday, July 10, 2011

Memory Board

On the wall behind my computer I have a memory board which has pinned to it, wonderful letters, cards, gifts, mementoes and treasures from some wonderful friends from all around the world.
It makes me smile and I am thankful that I have met so many beautiful friends.

"I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul rememb'ring my good friends"
~ William Shakespeare

We have eaten our Sunday brunch out on our deck in the sunshine. Apart from it been a little breezy ( still able to wear only a tee shirt ) and having a bee buzzing around trying to get at my breakfast, it was wonderful breathing in the lovely fresh air.

Many thanks for visiting me, with your busy life and leaving a comment and it makes me happy to welcome new followers.
I hope that you are having a lovely weekend.


  1. Hello Carolyn,

    Your memory board is filled with LOVE because you are a lovely lady!!!


  2. Hi Carolyn,
    Your memory board is wonderful and I can imagine gives you happy thoughts everyday.
    Sounds like a perfect morning having breakfast on your deck in the fresh morning air.
    It is HOT here and over 100 degrees again today with no end in sight. I am struggling to keep my flowers healthy.
    Love the William Shakespeare quote.

    Have a wonderful day dear friend.
    Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie

  3. Dear Carolyn
    It´s true some times we have a life too busy with lots of things to I am on holidays and I have got more free time but anyway my blogger friends have became in important persons for me so I need look for time to read their comments and visit their blogs
    Meeting you is always a lovely moment for me
    Your memory board is really full of love and friendship!
    Happy Sunday

  4. My friend Carolyn,

    Oh, it was perferct start to Sunday!!:)It is so nice to read that there is so wonderful weather, too! You can wear t-shirt:)
    Im not wonder that you have got so many lovely letters and memories, because of you are so kind person!!<3
    It is allways so nice to vist on your blog, you feel real friend to me!<3

    Big hugs from Finland, where sun is shining and birds are singing and it is time to pick some strawberries for winter;)

    Your friend, Marge

  5. Dear Carolyn,
    You have inspired me today. i love the thought of a memory board. It is wonderful to have made so many new friends.
    The world is a smaller place because of connectors like you.

  6. Dear Carolyn
    I think so like Marsha! Your memory board is filled with Love because you are so very lovely!
    Have a nice Sunday!
    Hugs Yvonne

  7. Your memory board is really lovely and happy!
    Love it, it's a nice idea!

  8. Good morning beautiful Carolyn!

    How I treasure the memories from you and all the other incredible women all over the world who have sent a lovely note or tag, a gift or encouragement that just gets more beautiful as I look at them. I have a box filled with treasures....I have a little something from YOU that I look at constantly that reminds me how great the human heart can be. Have a magnificent day sweet one, Anita

  9. wonderful your memory board,beautiful images ,and make the decoration place lovely,and delicated...i love this....
    big hug from sisi

  10. Tshirts and brunch on the deck? We have been having sunshine on Sat morn with enough wind to get washing dry then huge storms strong winds thunder eTc. HAHA I am so jealous. Winter is definitely in Wellington. Enjoy my friend

  11. Tshirts and brunch on the deck? We have been having sunshine on Sat morn with enough wind to get washing dry then huge storms strong winds thunder eTc. HAHA I am so jealous. Winter is definitely in Wellington. Enjoy my friend

  12. Eccomi cara amica!

    Sono tornata!

    EVENTO ...FINITO! ;o)

    Ahhhhhhhhh...vedo qualcosa di MIO mia dolcissima Fatina! ;o)

    Baci. NI

  13. At some point, when I get some projects done around here, I will have a memory board too. Actually, I might need a few of them. :) Breakfast sounds lovely. There will be no outdoor activities around here for quite some time, but we did enjoy nature while in Nepal, even in the rain! :) Best wishes to you for the week ahead, Tammy

  14. Love your memory board, I have something similar in my kitchen. It is great to be outside and enjoying the fresh air, winter will be upon us all too soon again. so soak it up:)

  15. Hi Carolyn, It's so nice to have so many cards, letters and gifts from sweet friends around the world.
    Sitting outside on the deck in the winter sounds very good. It's wonderful that you can enjoy the outdoors at that time of the year.
    Have a great week!
    Hugs to you,

  16. Happy to see what inspires you Carolyn!! It's the love that surrounds~
    Keep having a wonderful day!!


  17. Love your new header!!!!!!!Glad you are enjoying your outdoors..... It's so hot here if you inhale you burn your lungs.HAHA!

  18. Dear Friend Carolyn,
    Happy thoughts sent your way!
    This is so neat to have a memory board to bring to remembrance sweet thoughts and times.

  19. Love your sweet memory board here - yes, am soooooo grateful for my friends, friendshio is love too, no? Have a lovely sunday Carolyn!

  20. Dear Carolyn, Thankyou sweet for your dear comments alwayes, thats what is among the wonderful experiences, added to my "memory board"
    I can tell you had a beautiful day,-- me too, even I had to leave my little fairy in Copenhagen--well she returns in a week with the rest of her family, for hollyday.
    Wish you also a lovely evening.

  21. What a lovely idea your memory board is. I can see why it would bring a smile to your lips. Have a wonderful week. We are sweltering here in heat and humidity.

  22. Your memory board is so beautiful!I think I will try to make something similar!

  23. I do hope you do not need to look for a proper note on the memory board:)

  24. What a nice winter you have, sounds like perfect weather. Your billboard looks like mine, many cards and papers.
    Sunny hug

  25. Your memory board is lovely.

    Thanks for your beautiful post.


  26. Dear Carolyn,
    your memory board is so wonderful! What a great place to sit :-)!

  27. Love and hugs and smiles across the miles
    Love you

  28. Your memory board reflects a lot of great memories. So nice you cared enough to keep and post them. More people need to do that.

  29. I love your memory board, Carolyn! I have a memory box but have been thinking of making a board instead. I prefer to have things out in the open so I'm reminded of all of the good times and wonderful people that have come into my life.

    Hope your week is off to a wonderful start! xoxo

  30. Hola dear Carolyn, so good to visit you again after a long time, and hope no one has been injured with the last earthquake at your country.
    It´s so nice to be surrounded by lovely memories...
    hugs dear

  31. Great wall,
    I like such...
    Enjoy your day !


  32. I wish I had the space for a memory board, Carolyn! But I do keep scrapbooks. Have since I was young. I love looking through them. I bet yours is filled with love and friends!

  33. I have a board like that too Carolyn, and it is layers deep with treasured things from friends and family, as well as the odd inspirational find peeking through. I love the busyness of it, and every once in a while something catches my eye and my thoughts wander to the person - happy memories!

  34. Your weather sounds nicer than ours!
    And the memory board is a lovely idea...

  35. Absolutely love your memory boad - how inspiring!!

  36. Dearest Carolyn,

    Wow, finally I am catching up. Wanted to visit those that are loyal to me and even helped me get over my down period. Today I took the Atelvia pill and feel fine. What a difference for not feeling like a rag and having heart burns...
    Have a great week and keep your memory board as a motivation for LIFE!



  37. Like Sassy says your board is filled with Love because you are a lovely lady and friend.
    I too have a broad similar to this near my computer where I can glance at it when I am here writing.
    As always I love my visits with you and your morning breakfast sounded lovely bees and all. lol
    Have a wonderful rest of the week and know this ole Tx grandma is thinking and sending you good thoughts and wishes

  38. Hello Carolyn, That's a fabulous idea you have with the memory board. Being able to look at such lovely cards and gifts from friends you have made while you are at the computer is wonderful.

  39. I have my coffee in the mornings, but love ice tea any other time.

  40. I love memory board!!! Im am a true believer in a law of Attraction!

    Im your new follower!

    Come check us out!



Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx