Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Feet

The juvenile Emperor Penguin which stands about a metre tall and weighs about 10 kilograms, has ended up thousands of kilometres from home, on a New Zealand beach. This is only the second time this has happened.
Penguins in the Antarctic, eat ice when cooling down, and here the poor little chappie was trying to do the same with sand and sticks.

He was taken to the Wellington Zoo hospital, where he has undergone a second operation to clear his airway and help him recover.
Penguins are such sweet animals and hope he recovers and can get back down to where he belongs. He has been named Happy Feet, by those caring for him and really hope that he will be doing the happy dance soon.

I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.


  1. Oh, poor little fellow. I hope he recovers soon.

    What's really weird is I am watching How I Met Your Mother and they're talking about the Emperor Penquins and I get online and your post is about this little guy!!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  2. Dearest Carolyn,

    Oh, I LOVE, LOVE stories like that when people pull together to rescue one of our sweet animals or birds for that matter. It shows love in a big way. A person is easily judged by observing how he/she is treating little kids; elderly and pets...
    That surely does give an insight.

    Have a lovely Saturday and Sunday with hugs from the other side of the world,


  3. Poor little penguin, he had swum so wrong. Hope he gets well.
    And a happy weekend to you Carolyn.

  4. Oh so sweet...i hope everything going well with him...enjoy a happy weekend...i hear rain outside.....o no !! they promise sun !! sad....i must work today...i hope later the day the sun wil going to

  5. Dear Carolyn
    I am really busy in this days,schollyear is ending and I have a lot of work so I am a bit missed...but in a few days I'll get holidays and then I'll have more free time
    I love the history about that pinguin with a happy end...and your Tea Cup is beautiful!
    Meeting you is always a pleasure

  6. Let's hope all the best for the poor penguin!

    We have here a celebration time, the Midsummer Day. But here is so quiet - I'm alone with the cats at home and enjoy this silence.
    Have a nice weekend!

  7. Dear Carolyn,oh that poor "little" fellow, I hope he get well. Thankyou dear for your sweet and lovely comments on my blog- you alwayes makes my dayes happy, Carolyn.

  8. I love penguins since I was a little girl and hope that sweet Happy Feet will recover soon.
    Have a great weekend, dear Carolyn!
    Hugs to you,

  9. Penguins are such wonderful creatures, hope that Happy feet makes a good recovery and returned home. Don't you just love the film Happy Feet too!

  10. Aw, this is adorable!
    Good luck, little penguin!

  11. Dear Carolyn,

    What a beautiful creature to end up on a New Zealand beach. I truly hope it will fully recover!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  12. I heard about this on the news and certainly hope he make a quick and healthy recovery. He certainly is a cutie!

    Have a great weekend ~

  13. Dear Carolyn
    He's just the most gorgeous wee fellow and I do hope he survives.
    Everyone is sending positive thoughts his way so let's pray they work.
    We all could do with some good news for a change I feel.
    A beautiful post thank you Carolyn.

  14. Oh dear, the poor little man in the breaks my heart to see that they get so disorientated and end up suffering...DON'T YOU JUST WANT TO HELP? I know the experts will take good care of him...hello dearest one! Enjoy your day/night as I type this!!!! Anita

  15. Oh no! Poor little guy! I am sure he is thinking "what happened to my family?" Emperor penguins are very family-oriented and totally monogamous when they made. I hope he will be okay. Happy weekend wishes to you, Tammy

  16. Much love and hugs and many blessings
    Love you

  17. Dolcissimo questo pinguino...

    Mia cara Carolyn, tutti i tuoi POST sono colmi d'amore.

    Anche questo pinguino, e la sua storia ne sono la riprova!


    Baci di cuore! ;o) NI

  18. Good morning dear heart...thank you for your kind words and visit. Yes, Audrey was always beautiful, all the way to her end. She died the same year and at the same age and of the same disease that my beloved and beautiful momma died. I love them both...Anita

  19. Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend!

    XOXO Lola & Nora:

  20. Oh I have some catching up to do Carolyn!

    I love the purchases you made recently for your kitchen. The teacup is so lovely. I cherish the few I have...
    The tweed winter suit will look amazing when sorry you will have to wait a is frustrating when mechanical things stop working right when you need them the most!

    I love little penguins too! I have been following the story here too..I do hope he recovers quickly.

    Congratulations to your daughter! She really is such a success and talent!

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend and will have a wonderful upcoming week.
    Take care. Talk soon.
    Hugs, Nancy xo

  21. Breaks my heart - I LOVE these guys. I wish him a speedy recovery and a quick trip back to his own surroundings.

    Have a beautiful weekend my friend.


  22. Ohhh....I read the news about the penguin in the news paper.
    I hope that he will soon recover.

    Have a wonderful weekend Carolyn.
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.

    Warm wishes, Mea

  23. I love your blog name...we love the cartoon and books but your blog is better...super sweet!

  24. I read about him! But I did not know what became of him. Poor fellow. I hope that somehow he can be reunited with his clan.

    Hope your weekend is glorious!

  25. Oh, the poor thing! I hope he gets better soon and can make his way home eventually.

    Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  26. poor little penguin, hope he recovers well!

  27. Yes, I hope he does recover too! Poor little guy. Like you, I think Penguins are one of the sweetest looking creatures on earth!

    Have a happy Sunday, Carolyn!


  28. Oh... the poor little dear! So glad there are such wonderful people who know how to take care of such a precious creature!Thanks so much for sharing! I hope you are enjoying a beautiful winter!

  29. Dear Carolyn, How interesting that he has landed in your country. Unusual for him. Eating sand would be awful. Hope he makes it alright and stays healthy.

    May you have a wonderful day.
    Thank you for sharing Happy Feet with me.

  30. Hi Carolyn,
    Oh Happy Feet is so precious. I so hope he gets well and can go back home. I just love these stories of animal rescue and recovery.

    Wanted to say I love your new little pic of you in the blog comments. So beautiful, you pretty girl!!!
    Have a wonderful day and happy creating.
    p.s. I used to paint little penquin ornaments and such for Christmas. Maybe I should think about that again!

  31. I actually saw that on television news just this morning! I hope he is well on the road to recovery now. Poor baby got his compass mixed up.

  32. I hope Happy Feet will be dancing with joy soon.
    Blessings & Bliss~

  33. Oh my gosh he is so sweet! I hope he is ok.
    xx, shell

  34. awww... he must be pretty lonely....only one of his kind there I guess... hope he finds his way back...


Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx