Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The wise old Owl.

I love the photographs of the sweet owls my Son took the other night, outside his bedroom window.
The owls were calling to each other, so Marcel went out about 3 am and took these.
Haven't they got huge yellow eyes and I like the way they are staring straight at the camera.
You can enlarge the photos by clicking on the photo.

Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it and virtue is doing it.
~David Starr Jordan

I was planning on doing another post and was trying to download a video and spent nearly all yesterday afternoon trying to get it to work.{ sigh} Just wondered if anyone else was having trouble with uploading videos, or is it only me?

Wishing you a wonderful week and I hope all your plans and dreams come true.


  1. Precious friend! I had trouble today leaving messages! BLogger was acting up again!!!! Oh I love these birds and that quote; I must take that and imprint that in my HEART AND MIND!!!!!!

    How are you love? Have a splendid evening and see you on Saturday for the Paris party!!!!! Anita

  2. Owls are fascinating. Great pictures! :)

  3. Those owls have such pretty knowing eyes - Thank you Marcel.

  4. WOW, what great photos of the owls!!

    Blogger is acting up again. I had troubles leaving comments earlier today and just about an hour ago I could not get into my dashboard!!


  5. Carolyn this was such a great capture by your son!!! Aren't owls so pretty? We have some living out here too and when I go out at night to check the shed door it kind of scares me a little to hear their hooting. A little eerie!
    hugs from here...

  6. The owls are so interesting! They are truly neat creatures. It's great that your son took pictures that captured them. Such big eyes.

    Who who whowhoooo. We had some in our trees a few years ago and they scared me with their whooooing. Haha I've grown to appreciate them.

    Hope life is going well.
    We've had nasty weather.
    God bless,

  7. I love love these many owls in your yard..amazing. Hugs my sweet friend. xoxoxo

  8. Dear Carolyn, How wonderful that you have owls around your house! I've never seen one outside a zoo. It must be fascinating to watch them in their natural environment. Thank you for sharing and have a great afternoon!
    Hugs to you,

  9. Wowwwww...this is nice !! beautiful pictures....i do not know how it works loading video's so i can not help you sorry !

  10. Wow...the pictures of the owls are wonderful! Marcel did a great job in the middle of the night...So nice that the birds were tranquil.
    I haven't done a video Carolyn, so I can't help you.

    Love your pillow from your is a lovely color.
    The fish pie your hubby made for you sounds wonderful...I will have to try a version of it.. Unfortunately, my hubby can't boil water!!

    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs, Nancy

  11. CAROLYN! Thank you sweet one for coming to visit ME! How I love these owls; I have a special place in my heart for them because my mother painted one in her oil painting class once. It had the sweetest look to it and in all the shuffle over the years of moving, I lost it. It broke my heart to never be able to find that because it spoke volumes of her personality. THANK YOU FOR THESE TREASURES!!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERYONE ON SATURDAY!!! Anita

  12. aww those owls are so cute! great shots!

    i've been having trouble commenting on other bloggers posts since two days now.

  13. Fabulous indeed.
    Much love and many blessings
    Love you

  14. Dearest Carolyn,

    Guess Blogger is having some problems as I cannot place comments on lots of them either... I read some warning about certain issues on Twitter about it.

    LOVE your quote and what a great picture your son took.

    Lots of love,


  15. So nice photo, how lucky and catch the two owls on the image. Fun and see what kind of birds you have.
    Hugs to you

  16. Ciao cara!!!

    Blogger è di nuovo KO! ;(


    Un bacio grandeeeeee! ;D NI

  17. Wonderful owls. Very fine photos! I do love those birds. We've got here in our neighborhood many long-eared owls, every summer new young birds too. Now they are all gone, many new houses at the same place. Kinda sad!

  18. Your sweet son captured Mr. Wise Owl perfectly pretty, sweet Carolyn. Wish I could see your lovely little corner with my own eyes, I know I will fall in love instantly!
    Enjoy your morning cup my friend I am off to bed o xx o

  19. Dear Carolyn
    I think Owls are beautiful animals , their eyes are really impressive
    Very good photographs!

  20. Oh my! I've never been lucky enough to see an owl in the wild, let alone outside my very own window. Yes, those eyes! Fantastic photos.

  21. These are fabulous! You're son is talented. And so funny, I was just looking at photos of owls earlier today :)

    Hope you're having a lovely week, Carolyn! xoxo

  22. oh Carolyn they take your breath away! So pretty. These pictures are wonderful!!

    I hear owls every once in a while around here but never get even a glance at them.

    Have a great week & weekend! Sending hugs my friend.
    Jenn xoxo

  23. Those owls are just soooooooo cool! Wow oh wow!!!
    I just tried to upload a video and it didn't work either. Poo.
    xx, shell

  24. Hi Carolyn! Thank you for stopping by here, and thank you for your comment! :) You are always breezing by like a breath of fresh air, and your visits are always very welcome! :)

    Yes, this truly makes me sad (about my punctuation being critiqued) because I did pay for the services of a copyeditor, and yes you are right in saying that this makes me wonder if I needed that service, because the punctuation all throughout my book was edited by the copyeditor (all the punctuation from beginning to end), so to hear my book being critiqued on the punctuation saddens me. Initially during the copyediting process, I felt as though my punctuation was extremely poor (having received an editing on all of my punctuation) but now I feel as though I (maybe) would have been better off with my own punctuation techniques to begin with!

    Now about these owls... your photos remind me of my mother's pet owl! She used to tell me how she once had a pet owl that she loved very much, it was sort of an "adopted" part of her life! Sweet story! Oh my, perhaps I should write a children's story about my mother's pet owl, one day! What do you think? :)

    I like the quote that you included about wisdom and virtue, because it's just the right quote to go with the photos of these yellow-eyed owls!! :)

    I hope that all is well with you and yours, have a rockin' day! ♥

  25. Wow Carolyn, that is awesome! LOVE seeing those cool owls.


  26. I am exactly the same,I think I uploaded it only once but it took me the whole day to do it,pretty pictures!have a lovely day!

  27. What a beautiful owl and I love that your son took pictures in the middle of the night. What a wonderful experience that must have been!!! Nature is precious! Have a beautiful day!

    Kristin xx

  28. what beautiful owls, how wonderful to have them so close to your home!

    I've had many problems with Blogger recently and haven't been able to uplaod videos.

  29. Carolyn, what marvelous photos your son took! I enjoyed them so much.
    I usually don't have too much trouble with videos, but have never loaded one I made myself so I better not comment about it! Copying someone else's embed code makes it so much simpler. :)
    Have a lovely week...

  30. How amazing that you have owls right by your house! I don't imagine the hooting all night long is so amazing though! They really are beautiful creatures. I hope you have a great weekend Carolyn!

  31. Wow, i've never seen them wild!
    These pics are impressive!

  32. Such amazing photos Carolyn. What bright eyes they have. Thanks for stopping by my blog, so nice to hear from you. I see you had a birthday recently, happy birthday. Did you know all the good people are born in May?... Lol!! Mine was May 1st and I was so lucky to have my daughter here to help celebrate.Have a wonderful week-end, hugs Robyn.

  33. Wow, what great photos!
    I have seen only one time in nature a real owl. Since I am so shocked that I got scared because it started to fly in front of me :-).
    Wish you a happy weekend,

  34. Oh Carolyn!!! these owls are amazing!!!! When I was growing up we found an owl baby by the side of the road...and it was hit or had something wrong with the we took it home and fed it fresh was amazing!!! thanks for reminding me of that experience with this post!!!!

    Happy Weekend!!

  35. Those are fantastic photos! I would take a lot to get me out of bed at 3 am. :) Have a great weekend. Tammy

  36. I've just finished exploring your site. This was my first visit to your blog and while I was here I wanted to determine what you are all about. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a lovely spot for for readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  37. Lovely owls! You are lucky to have them so close by. Please thank Marcel for sharing his shots with us too!

    I wish I could help adding the video link. When I did it once, I googled how to do in and watched a video, but Typepad and blogger are different, I think.

    Happy Weekend to you Carolyn!


  38. Hi Carolyn, and thank you for visiting my Paris post. Delightful to meet you. I'm completely charmed by the owls!

  39. Hope I can leave you a message..some huge trouble with blogger...anyway..great idea this paris party love visit you all //Marie

  40. Hi Carolyn,
    The owls are so adorable. I'm crazy for owls, and all they represent. So glad you captured these photos. Hope to catch up with your other posts later today. Have a wonderful week.

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Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx