Sunday, October 12, 2008

A day for the Garden

Today the weather was just beautiful and we ate our breakfast out on the deck in the glorious sunshine.
Some tuis were flying about and they are such pretty birds with their tuft of white under their chest and they sing the most pretty tunes.

It was so nice to get out in the garden and do some cleaning up as the last few months have not been gardening days.
The wisteria was looking pretty a week or so ago but with a few rainy and windy days, a lot of the flowers have got knocked off. So I thought I would post a few photos before all the flowers disappear.

Enjoy your weekend
Hugs Carolyn


  1. The tui photo is amazing. I can imagine the smell of the beautiful wisteria flowers.
    Beautiful. x

  2. Your garden photos are lovely! You are so lucky to have such a lovely place!

  3. Oh Carolyn...your garden plantings are lovely. You have such a lovely area for your flowers. Your birdie friend is very beautiful...what a gorgeous color.

    Thank-you for sharing.
    Have a good week!
    Hugs, Nancy

  4. The bird photo is delightful, I love wisterias even though they don't flower for very long they definitely know how to make an impact when they do.
    Susannah x

  5. My goodness, I had no idea you were surrounded by such beauty....but I should have known!


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and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx