Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Spring is in the air!

This is really my favourite time of the year, with all the spring flowers blooming.
Every morning I go out for my walk,  I love smelling the gorgeous scents around - jasmine and freesias and always pick a little bunch for the vase which makes the house smells gorgeous.

Sorry I have not been around much as I have been trying to get our kitchen back together.

A layer of dust from the tiler and plasterer is everywhere, so have had to clean everything.  It is like Christmas opening boxes to put the kitchen things away. Will share some photos soon.
Look forward to coming over to visit you.

Have a happy week


  1. Spring is a time of new beginnings. How beautiful.
    Here in Canada we are soon to enter fall times.
    Blessings and love and smiles across the miles.
    Love and hugs

  2. It`s so great to see the springflowers now when we have autumn.
    Have a nice week.

  3. It's great that your kitchen is finished, dear Carolyn. The fine dust that enters in every nook and cranny is annoying but you will be rewarded soon with being able to enjoy your new kitchen.
    Have a lovely fall week! :)

  4. Such lovely photos, dear, I can imagine your joy of spring ,while I here, is facing autumn :-)
    I hope your kitchen will soon be all up again, congratulations with the happy feeling of a totally new one !!
    Hugs, Dorthe

  5. Glad to hear you're settling into your kitchen after all the work that was done. These are beautiful yellow flowers. I look forward to seeing your new kitchen, Carolyn.

    While Spring is in the air where you live, I am patiently awaiting Autumn. It's beautiful here in California.

    love, ~Sheri

  6. Spring I wish it was true......please show us your new kitchen....I can't wait......love from me Ria ❤️X

  7. wonderful post dear, thanks for sharing, xo

  8. Good to hear that your kitchen is finished!
    You have shared such beautiful spring flowers and I've enjoyed your photographs, especially that now here in the UK our trees will soon be wearing their Autumn shades ...

    All the best Jan

  9. Dear Carolyn,
    Your spring flowers are just beautiful. I can't wait to see your new kitchen.
    Blessings dear friend

  10. My dearest Carolyn,
    wonderful Springflowers! Glad, it started so well for you!
    Here, Autumn is coming and I am looking forward to hits wonderful time of the year1 I love the warm colours and the misty times in the early morning :O)
    Have a wonderful week,
    sending lots of Love and hugs to you, my dearest friend!
    We had workmen for about 3 weeks, our Landlord said, we needed a new roof ...so, yesterday they finished and I can hopefully get back to normal life ;O)
    Big hugs, Claudia xoxoxo

  11. Hi Carolyn, So excited for you and your new kitchen. Your flowers are beautiful and I wish you a beautiful springtime as we are ready for Autumn days. Happy week my friend. xo

  12. Lovely to see the daffodils, I can just imagine their scent! I'll look forward to seeing your new kitchen, you must be glad to be back home. Sarah x

  13. Spring is such a wonderful time of year! Lovely to have the sweet bouquets to enjoy from your walks. I'm sure you are so happy to have your new kitchen finished and all to yourself, finally. Have fun setting it all to rights. Sending hugs xo Karen

  14. Hello,Carolyn.
    Congratulations! Your kitchen is finished! Those flowers are so pretty. Enjoy your kitchen time. We are having a new season,autumn.
    Have a good new week!

  15. I love kitchen photos! It looks like we have something in common--blue pottery.

  16. Beautiful flowers:)🌼☀ I wish I could be in New Zealand now and enjoy this beautiful season.

  17. Springflowers and here we are going to autumnflowers...
    Well I like this time of year but we have had too much rain, rain every day. I´m so tired of it!
    Have a happy week, take care.

  18. Great post! I just found your blog and I love it :) I hope you'll have an amazing week!


  19. I wish you a happy springtime, dearest Carolyn! Here we are preparing for autumn now - and well, I like them both - spring and fall, the two "not so exreme seasons". We had a very, very hot and dry summer in eastern Austria and I'm happy that this time is over now for some month...
    Lots of hugs and good success with dust cleaning ;-)

  20. Dear Caroline, enjoy those beautiful Spring flowers. Yellow daffodils are so cheery and all the season's blooms have a special fragrance. I especially love white jasmine and freesias. Wishing you a happy Springtime and looking forward to seeing your new kitchen.

  21. Happy spring, darling! Love all these beautiful blooms!


  22. Here in Italy Autumn is in the air, instead!^^
    Spring is my fav season too, enjoy it even for me!
    Beautiful photos, daffodils really are the symbol of incoming spring! :)

  23. Dear Carolyn, your flowers is so beautiful. Looking forward to see your finished kitchen, I`s sure it will be gorgeous!
    Have a great weekend! xoxo
    Vesna - Home Chic Club

  24. beautiful spring flowers while here we're just starting to get beautiful autumnal leaves!


Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx