Saturday, August 5, 2017

Happy weekend

August could that be that it came around so quickly.
Life really does seem to go so fast!

 I tried posting some photos of the wonderful old architecture around Auckland City, but for some reason they did not seem to upload.
So I was able to post a few photos taken from around the garden.
The white camellia is blooming, and the dark reddish pansies are such a pretty colour and look like velvet. 

On Wednesday we saw our dear daughter off on her overseas trip.
She arrived in Berlin and is then travelling on to Denmark, Sweden and Finland. She is really excited to be over there visiting these places, as it is somewhere she has always wanted to go to.

We have moved back home and the kitchen is coming along - subway tiles are going up and everything is having a fresh coat of white paint. We are waiting for the electrician to finish some wiring and the plumber to do his thing.
As we do not have the oven working, most of our meals have been cooked on the barbecue, slow cooker or we dine out.  Look forward to sharing some photos soon and what you find with renovations everything seems to take so much longer
Will be so happy when the  tradesmen finish and we can have our house back to ourselves again.
Our new cedar garden shed has replaced a little old tin shed  and is very useful for storing tools and bicycles in

Do hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Amazing post dear! Happy weekend! xoxo
    Vesna - Home Chic Club

  2. Looks beautiful around you, dear Carolyn.
    The flowers so lovely, -and happy travel to your daughter, so fun she is visiting my country :-) .
    Dorthe, xoxo

  3. Hello dear Carolyn,
    I hope your daughter enjoys her travels. Sounds exciting!
    I really like your little cedar garden shed..
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  4. Your daughter will have a wonderful time. Good luck with all the finishing touches in the kitchen. :)

  5. Nice shed.....please show us the kitchen pictures can't from me Ria x

  6. Carolyn, So nice your daughter is traveling and seeing the sights. Happy for her. The time is passing faster than I can get a grasp on. Seems like the month starts and then flies by so quickly I can't hardly believe it. Blessings to you. It's always a treat for me to stop by your place in bogland. I always enjoy visiting,

  7. Glad the work has come along well ...
    I'm sure your daughter will have a wonderful time in Europe.

    Hope your weekend was a good one, my good wishes for the new week to come.

    All the best Jan

  8. Dearest carolyn,
    so nice, you can be abck home again! Wishing you a lovely week, and all the best for Victoria on her trip!
    Sending much Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  9. Hewllo Carolyn,
    I hope the rest of the renovations go quickly, and I hope your daughter has an even better trip then she could have hoped for.
    Big hug

  10. Hope that the kitchen is finished soon and you can enjoy using it!

  11. Dearest Carolyn,
    That sounds all exciting, especially for your daughter on such a great trip!
    Your kitchen will soon be all ready and the long time of waiting and living without will be forgotten.
    Your cedar shed looks very nice!
    Sending you hugs,

  12. Those pansies are such a beautiful color!

  13. Hello dear Carolyn,
    Lovely flowers you have shared and your outdoor spaces are so pretty! I know that you must be anxious to have your kitchen back - these things always take longer than expected, but it will be so nice to have everything pretty and new. How exciting for your daughter to go on her dream trip. I'm sure she will have some lovely memories to share when she comes home.
    Hugs to you,
    xo Karen

  14. I will love to see your new kitchen. Hope your daughter have a fantastic trip
    Hugs from here

  15. How exciting for your daughter to visit all those places. Wishing her a safe and fun trip. The camellia is such a pretty flower. This white one looks similar to a rose. Glad to hear your kitchen remodel is coming along nicely. That cedar garden shed is charming, I bet it really comes in handy for storage.

    Enjoy the sweet August days, Carolyn.

    love, ~Sheri

  16. Hi Carolyn, how lovely that you are getting a new kitchen. Happy traveling to your daughter too. Must be very exciting for her. That white rose is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing all your interesting photos and very enjoyable post.

  17. I envy your daughter her European tour, sounds super fun.

  18. Have a great and sunny sunday!
    Love from Titti

  19. Postagem maravilhosa amei, obrigado pela visita , tenha uma semana abençoada.

  20. Lovely camellia! Hope your daughter enjoys her travels!

  21. Beautiful photos, Carolyn. I love camellias and pansies. Have a great week, my friend.

  22. What a great blog! Keep up the updates! Love, Susan Greenfield


Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx