Monday, April 7, 2014

The Royals have arrived.

There is great excitement in New Zealand as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince George have arrived for the start of their three week tour of New Zealand and Australia.
It is the first official tour for eight month old Prince George. Isn't he cute and he looks a lot like his Father did when they were about the same age.

The Duchess looked elegant dressed in a red coat with gold buttons and a red pillbox hat.
She was wearing the silver fern brooch ( a symbol of New Zealand) that had been lent to her by the Queen who had received it as a gift during a visit to Auckland, 60 years ago.

Prince Charles and Princess  Diana made the Royal Tour  to New Zealand and Australia back in 1983 when Prince William was just nine months. They were photographed relaxing on the lawn in Auckland.
It was revolutionary to do this, as the Royal babies always stayed home with the nanny.

Have a happy week

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