Saturday, November 16, 2013

Out on my walk

Yesterday the weather was so beautiful, ... one of those clear blue sky days, so I just had to take a few photos on my way.  They were  taken with my phone camera so please excuse me, if they are not as clear as they could be.
Jemima was out taking an early morning stroll
A sweet little bunny obliged me with a photo, even though it was his rear view -

  Could this have been Peter Rabbit? he certainly looked like he was a well fed boy and must have been eating lots of carrots and lettuces from Mr McGregor's garden

 The sea at Surfdale looked beautiful, calm and blue ...where the sea ended and the sky started all seemed to blend into one.

This time of the year, the jasmine and honeysuckle are flowering along the roadside verge, they give off the most gorgeous fragrance.

The trailing flowers of the nasturtium, looked pretty in orange, and red and even more delicious in a salad.
Last but not least the roses that were out in full bloom - these I wish you could smell as I walked past I breathed in deeply and the intoxicating smell was gorgeous. They looked so beautiful growing over the white trellis, picket fence and archway

I don't know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice.
~ Roland A Browne

I hope you all have a happy weekend.
Many thanks for the kind visits and to new followers and I look forward to coming to say hello and to see how you are.

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Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx