Sunday, June 29, 2008

The month of June is almost at an end!

Wow! is it only me or do others feel that the years are speeding up, the older one gets!
I can hardly believe that it is only 6 months until Christmas.
It is winter time over in NZ and the days are short ( it gets dark at about 5.30 )
but joy .... we have passed the shortest day and the days will start to get longer again.


  1. Hi Carolyn...thanks for stopping by my blog...

    here in is 10:30 and just going dark... it was hot today at +29C .. the house is still at 25C and the windows are wide open...... sleeping on top of the covers tonight....

  2. I hope that you are enjoying your Summer time
    Veronica, while we are over the other side of the world, here in our Winter.

    Note to self..... might be a good time to spend
    a day down at the mountains in the snow.



Thank you so much for visiting Draffin Bears.
It always makes me happy to read your comments
and I look forward to visiting you.

Carolyn xx